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Natural & ecological:

Wood is the ideal building material

Still the most frequently purchased and built garden houses are made of wood. Apart from practical and aesthetic considerations, this is mainly due to the fact that we want to enjoy the closeness to nature in the garden. want. Away from appointments, meetings and ringing smartphones, the garden is the proverbial haven of peace in the home retreat. Here recover from the stresses of everyday life and recharge our new energysurrounded by living green. A wooden garden house fits perfectly into the big picture. Its advantages can be not only measured, but above all feel and experience.

Healthy and cozy

In addition, natural wood is a healthy ecological building material . Not only allergy sufferers appreciate the healthy climate, most people like the smell of wood and the cozy atmosphere that is created in such rooms. Wood radiates warmth, wood lives and breathes. And it reacts to the prevailing outdoor and indoor temperatures in a balancing way. Suitable glazes, which do not hide the grain, can also beautifully emphasize the peculiarity of the natural material visually.

More about our materials


Ecologically valuable

Wood removes climate-damaging CO² from the atmosphere by storing the carbon and releasing the oxygen. Wood used in building structures thus serves as a natural CO² store over its lifetime. We increase the lifetime of our building kits through constructive wood protection as well as durable and high-quality roofing.

All the wood we use comes from sustainable cultivation within the EU and is subject to the European Timber Trade Regulation (EUTR). The EUTR obliges us not to use any wood from illegal timber cultivation.
